Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I can certainly see how people can benefit from Twitter; but I can also see the danger of getting caught up in the Twitter culture. I personally have no interest in pursuing the use of this source.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Do you find "Library Thing" user-friendly?

I enjoyed exploring this site and found it to be quite user-friendly. There is a great deal of information about all of the authors I chose. I do prefer to find books through person to person suggestions however. Since I spend none of my spare time on the computer I would use more traditional methods of finding reading material.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Would I use Scrybe, Google calender etc.

I certainly would not find any of these sites useful ; I would prefer to use more traditional methods of time-keeping and date keeping. I certainly can see the benefit of the Google Docs if I were a student, however. It is certainly worth knowing about such a service.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Did I find Youtube and Flickr user-friendly?

I would have to say I have found Youtube to be particularly useful A case in point was when a customer needed the exact musical version of the "Friendly Giant" theme song,. We could not find it on a recording and a collegue of mine suggested Google which then led us to Youtube. The customer was over the moon at being able to hear the exact version, so that she could reproduce that version at a wedding on her harp.
I can certainly understand why people use Flickr and I found it easy to navigate, even though I cannot see it as something I would spend much time using.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Setting up a Bloglines account

I succeeded in setting up a Bloglines account. I specified BBC news and art and books sites. I am looking forward to seeing what information ends up at my fingertips.

Monday, April 19, 2010

A look at Google "More"

I was very impressed with the scope of the sites available; the sky is the limit! I was particularly impressed by "scholar" and the type of articles which are readily available. I can certainly see how I would recommend this feature to customers.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Do I find Facebook useful or a great time-waster?

I have to say that although I have gone through the motions and created an account I am not at all comfortable or interested in using this tool. I can see the benefits to Facebook, but I can also see how it can take over . I prefer to speak to people personally or write a letter. My time on the computer is limited to use at work and e-mail when necessary.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

• How easy or difficult was it to find articles that needed editing? Were the errors you found factual or grammar / spelling?
I did not find any glaring errors in the Wikipedia articles I looked at. I did look at several articles on the same topic. I do feel confident that I could spot errors, particularly spelling errors, in any article I read.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How comfortable are you using Best Websites, after this practice? Do you have any tips for using Best Websites on Delicious?
I have to say that after extensive practice on Delicious, including use of Tags, I find that I do not like using this site. It pales in comparison to the "Best Web sites", as far as being user-friendly and easy to navigate. To be honest, I prefer to go to Google instead and get the best answer in a more timely manner. I also find that explaining the site to customers is ponderous and most of them find it confusing.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What do I hope to learn in 2.0?

I hope to become familiar with the workings of the "blog" world, enough to understand what can and cannot be done. I hope to be able to answer the questions some customers may have regarding these systems.